Tournament Date
January 17- 19th, 2025 (Open & Power)
January 18 -19th, 2025 (Local & Club)
Registration Fee
The registration fee for Open, Power & Club divisions is $650
The registration fee for all local divisions is $495
Registration Dates
Registration opens Monday September 30th, 2024 -- 10am EST
Registration closes Monday, December 2nd, 2024 -- 6pm EST
How To Register
Go to SportWrench to register your team for entry.
Foreign team? Go to our Foreign Teams tab for more information.
Payment Methods
From SportWrench, you can pay online or mail in a check.
By credit card or ACH (bank check). The date of receipt will be recorded as the moment we receive confirmation that your payment has been verified.
PLEASE NOTE: Checks will not be accepted. Payments via credit card and ACH can be made on SportWrench
Refund Policy
Standard Refund policies for LBS:
Refunds must be submitted via email to
Monday, December 2nd, 2024
Last day for teams with an ACCEPTED status to receive a refund
Friday, December 20th, 2024
- Last day for teams with a PENDING status to receive a refund
If desired division is full
Eligible teams may cancel their registration and receive a full refund.
OR the team may elect to go on a Waiting List.
Eligible teams are teams who have paid and completed their housing requirements.
Teams on waiting list
Teams who have completed all their requirements on the waitlist who decide to withdraw their application, will receive a full refund.
A refund will not be given if a team’s acceptance status is changed from Accepted to Pending because they have fallen below the housing requirements.
18/17 Open
18/17 Open
16/15 Open
16/15 Open
14/13 Open
14/13 Open
12/11 Club
12/11 Club
Roster Requirements
A maximum of 15 athletes are allowed on rosters
All athletes listed on the roster must have a birthdate and uniform number listed.
Athlete's position is mandatory before a team can complete online team check-in.
Every athlete in attendance must be listed on their designated roster.
Roster Changes & Penalties
Any roster change made after the January 16th at 6pm deadline, may be made with the following conditions:
In person at the championship desk
Pay a $50 penalty fee IN CASH for each roster change
Uniform Numbers
Incorrect uniform numbers listed on the roster can be changed with the following implications:
Before Match: change can be made & player can participate in that match
During Match: change can be made & player must sit for remainder of that match
After Match: change can be made & player must sit for next match
Only one jersey number change can be made for a player during the event.
Players can only have one jersey number per event.
Illegal Players & Coaches
Players and coaches can be added to a roster with the following implications:
Before Match: addition can be made & player/coach can participate in that match
During Match: addition can be made & player must sit for remainder of that match. Additional point penalties may be assessed. Player can play in following match.
coach must leave bench for remainder of that match
After Match: addition can be made & player must sit for next match. Previous match penalties may be assessed. Player can play after next match is completed.
coach can sit on bench for next match
Players and coaches can only be added to a roster if they are eligible in USAV's SportEngine system and can be imported into SportWrench
Team Drops
All requests to drop from the event must be submitted via email by the person listed as the main contact in SportWrench.
Submit all requests to and include the following information:
Request to be removed from the event
Club name
Team name
FJ Code
Division entered
You will receive an email notification to confirm the drop has been processed.
Division Changes
LBS will make every effort to grant a request to change divisions whenever possible. If a move cannot be made at the time of the request, the team will be placed on a list to move when space becomes available. All requests to change divisions must be submitted via email by the main contact listed in SportWrench. If a team qualifies in a previous event after entering and being accepted into the Lil' Big South, and then requests to be moved to another division, every effort will be made to accommodate the team. However, their position in the list of priority will not change due to the previous bid award and a move cannot be guaranteed.
Submit all requests to and include the following information:
Club name
Team name
FJ Code
Current division entered
Division you would like to be moved to
You will receive an email notification as confirmation when the move has been processed.
Do not assume that your request has been granted.
Out of Age Division
Lil' Big South will make every effort to place teams in a division in which they wish to play. If a team desires to play up an age division AND there is space available without denying an age appropriate team an entry position, the team may play in an older age division.
A team may play up a maximum of two age divisions.
A team may be moved up at the request of the tournament, but if this team is accepted in the proper age group, they must agree to the move.
A team unable to gain access may be offered the opportunity to play up by the tournament.
Acceptance for all divisions is first-come, first-served determined by the date and time a team completes all Entry Application requirements, until available space is filled or December 2nd, 2024, whichever comes first.
A completed Entry Application includes the following:
Register online with SportWrench
Verified payment status
Complete housing through THS
After December 2nd, 2024, teams may be accepted into the event at the discretion of the tournament director.
Please note - acceptances for all eligible teams will be made at the end of every business day (5pm EST).
Notification of Acceptance
You can check whether your team has been accepted into the tournament by going to your teams account in SportWrench under the "My Events" tab.
When your team(s) have been accepted, you will receive an automatic email from SportWrench.